Thursday, October 15, 2009

My Research Idea

I was thinking, how am I going to approach this project? What is the best way to do this?
There is so much information on the Orioles and I do not want to get overwhelmed by it. There are many ways to do this, but I think the best way to approach it is to do almost, like a time-line of the team. I think, I should start from year one, and in each blog do a report of the decade that it started in. In the “decade blog”, I will try to describe Orioles’ progress, their achievements and misfortunes. It should be quite interesting to see how the Orioles progressed over the decades.
This is the way that will be also very interesting for me and hopefully all the other people that will read my blog, and not just Dr. Singer. I will also try to include some interesting things that happened in Baltimore, during each “decade blog”. This way I can combine history of the Orioles, and major events in Baltimore as the Orioles were growing.
Let me know what you think? I am always open for suggestions.

1 comment:

  1. Following Orioles' chronology seems like a good idea! To make even easier, I would focus only on the major events or the events that interest you in particular and even skip some years. I do not know if this will help you a bit.
