Sunday, December 13, 2009

Camden Yards

I have only been to one baseball stadium. It is the one we have in Baltimore, Camden Yards. It is a beautiful place. I do not know anyone that can disagree with me on that. I did realize that the stadium is made for walking around during the game. The games are long and not too exciting, so there are many things to do in the stadium. There are games, food, beer, kid’s activities and souvenirs on every corner. Why watch the game? The sport of baseball is not important anymore. The event and trip to the stadium is important. So, if nobody watches the game, why do they follow it? It is an American tradition to keep up on baseball, no matter how boring it is. Americans love this sport because it’s theirs and no one else can take it away from them. So, what that they do not watch it, they know everything about it.

(Oriole Park at Camden Yards)

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